- The magazine: “Kefalos – The Literary Magazine of Kefalonia” and the publishing house: “Kefalos Publications” announce the 2nd Panhellenic Artistic Competition “Kefalos”.
- The categories of the competition are two:
- Painting
- Photography
- In the category of painting you can participate with one of your works, regardless of style and with a free subject. You must photograph the work and send it to us in a high resolution (.jpeg) photo.
- In the photography category, you may enter one to two high-resolution (.jpeg) photographs with a free subject, either in one or both of the following subcategories. Black and White Photography.
- The competition is open to participants in either:
- Adults 18 years of age and older.
- Students aged 18 to 18 years old.
- You can send the files of your project(s) only via email or wetransfer.com (for large files) to [email protected] in digital image (.jpeg) format until February 20, 2023. Together send in a word or pdf file the following information: name, age, address, email, title of work, dimensions (for painting), style (for painting) and year of realization.
- Will be awarded:
- In the adult category 18 years of age and older: three prizes, three commendations and three honorable mentions. Those who do not win an award will receive a commendation for their participation as a souvenir.
- In the category of high school students: three prizes and three commendations. Those who are not distinguished will receive a commendation for their participation as a souvenir.
- Members of the jury are appointed as follows:
–Maria Andreadi, Photographer.
–Yiannis Koutris, Sketch Artist.
–Spyridon Troousas, Painter – Writer- Artist – Graduate of the Rhodes School of Fine Arts.
- The results will be announced no later than the first ten days of May 2023.
- The award ceremony will take place in June 2023. All the winning works of the competition will be included in a commemorative visual-photographic album.
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