On Thursday, November 3, 2022, the group exhibition “Ai Giorgis The Drunkard” is inaugurated at the Technochoros Art Gallery. Saint George, having received the nickname of drunkard through folk tradition, is also celebrated on November 3, the day that marks the opening of the barrels with the wine of the new year. Technochoros Art Gallery inspired by “the popular saint” and organizes a series of exhibitions that will take place in wineries and wine-loving venues in the coming period.
The first stop of the exhibition took place at Palivos estate in the Great Days of Nemea 2022 and the next stop is at Technochoros art gallery with works by 27 artists. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, November 3, 17:00-22:00, and the duration of the exhibition is until November 26, curated by Electra Douma – Chalkousi.
The exhibition includes: Sotiria Alevizou, Nikoletta Antonopoulou, Giannis Asimakopoulos, Magda Asteris, Stathis Vatanidis, Pasquale Guastamacchia, Gina Delasouda, Eloizos Themistokleous, Vassilis Karakatsanis, Elias Kasselas, Kalli Kastori, Municipality of Kipouros, George Korbakis, Michalis Kotsaris, Dimitris Kretsis, Thodoris Lalos, Thomas Makinatzis, Minas Kampitakis, Natassa Metaxa, Nikos Mikroulis, Giorgos Pantazis, Angeliki Pantazopoulou, Gefso Papadaki, Eleni Parcharidou, Dimitris Tzanis, Rolana Čečkauskaitė, Christina Fitili.
Art historian Louisa Karapidaki says in the document for the exhibition: “St. George The Drunkard, a saint whom tradition wants, among other things, the patron of viticulture and wine, is traditionally celebrated in many regions of Greece with a special customary Act, the opening of barrels and the tasting of new wine. Ancient relic, this cult habit survived until the 21st century and the trophy-bearing Saint with the nickname “drunkard” was established to be celebrated on November 3: “My Saint George, drunkard hurt my crop / eat and drink and drink / and sex my children “and continues by saying” artists create works according to their personal scriptures and negotiate the same theme in various aspects. Artistic creations are not limited only to paintings but also extend to other forms of art with constructions and installations. Their iconography, either symbolic, aniconic, realistic or surrealistic, refers conceptually to the worship of wine through references to the saint with human passions”.
Exhibition opening:Thursday 3 November 17:00-22: 00
Exhibition Duration: 3 to 26 November 2022
Days and hours of operation:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 11:00 – 14:30 & 17:30 – 20:30
Wednesday 11: 00-17: 00, Saturday 11:00-16: 00
Sunday, Monday closed
Technochoros Art Gallery
Lempesi 12, Athens / Metro Acropolis
Phone 211 182 38 18
www.technohoros.org | [email protected]
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