The Benaki Museum is pleased to announce the launch of the Patrick & Joan Leigh Fermor House work experience programme. Two positions are being advertised for 1.5 months each for the academic year 2023-2024. The first will take place in the fall of 2023 and the second in the spring of 2024.
For more information on the work-study residency program and application process, click HERE.
In the Leigh Fermor House’s working residency program, the Benaki Museum is collaborating with three academic institutions, Freie Universität Berlin (Centrum Modernes Griechenland), Princeton University (Stanley J. Seeger ’52 Center for Hellenic Studies) and UCLA – University of California Los Angeles (Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture). Based on commonly agreed upon criteria, each of the three institutions selects two guests per academic year in addition to those of the Museum, through respective procedures for the submission and evaluation of proposals from interested parties.
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