Granting of scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023 by the Hellenic Open University and the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to vulnerable social groups
In the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Hellenic Open University and the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, for the awarding of scholarships to vulnerable social groups (formerly homeless, homeless people living in hostels, Roma and former guests in child protection structures), the third public draw for the 17 new scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the HOU took place today, September 30, 2022. The draw took place at the Hellenic Open University headquarters in Patras.
At the same time, an event on educational opportunities for vulnerable social groups was held, with the participation of current and prospective scholarship holders of the programme. The event was welcomed by the Secretary General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Professor Odysseas – Ioannis Zoras, the Secretary General of Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation, Mr. George Stamatis, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the HOU, Professor Efstathios Efstathopoulos, the Vice President for Finance, Planning and Development of the HOU, Mr. Georgios Skroumpis and the Vice President for Research and Lifelong Learning of the HOU, Mr. Konstantinos Karamanis.
The Secretary General of Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation, Mr: “Education is a fundamental individual right but also a key tool for addressing social exclusion and poverty experienced by people belonging to vulnerable groups of the population. Therefore, Education as a prerequisite for the social inclusion of vulnerable social groups is included as a distinct field of intervention in the framework of the new national strategies prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for vulnerable social groups, under the coordination of the General Secretariat for Social Solidarity and Poverty Alleviation and in synergy with the relevant Ministries and agencies. Ensuring opportunities for access to higher education for our disadvantaged fellow citizens enables them to develop their skills, personal, social and professional well-being and improve their standard of living. We would like to thank the Hellenic Open University for standing by our efforts for the social integration and support of vulnerable groups of the population”.
The Secretary General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Professor Odysseas – Ioannis Zoras, in his opening address, referred to Socrates’ quote, according to which “A Greek is anyone who participates in Greek Education”, and stressed that: “Change and improvement of society comes through higher education, literacy and education and there should be no social exclusions. The best tactic for vulnerable groups is to integrate them into society through education, and the EAP can contribute in many ways to this end by offering educational opportunities, which have been provided for the past three years under the Memorandum of Understanding.”
The Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the HOU, Professor Efstathios Efstathopoulos said: “The role of the Hellenic Open University is to open its doors to all social classes, to provide opportunities for the highest good of Education and to help vulnerable groups to realize their dreams in the field of learning and education”.
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