The Ileana Tounta Centre for Contemporary Art presents the group exhibitionentitled Common Thread, where seven artists present works exploring the numerous conceptual and morphoplastic expressive possibilities of the line.
Participating artists: Apostolos Karakatsanis, Kostas Bassano, Eleni Panuklia, Nikos Papadimitriou, Ilias Papailiakis, Kostas Tsolis, Dimitris Foutris.
Duration of the exhibition : 10.02.2022 – 16.04.2022
Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday 15:00 – 20:00, Wednesday – Friday 12:00 – 20:00, Saturday 12:00 – 16:00
D.F.: ‘The purpose is to use all those elements related to line, traces and random compositions that are created on the carbon by their multiple use.
N.P.: ‘The mental act of inscribing or tracing on a flat surface, the path of a point, moved by either a living or artificial agent, has as its visual result a linear impression
Nikos Papadimitriou, Hub, 2008, Woodcut on mdf wood, 200×910 cm
The discussion about common formal quests and more specifically the use of the line as a basic and dominant plastic element in our artistic research, was the starting point for the presentation of the group exhibition entitled Common Thread. Thus, the initial conversation we had with Apostolos Karakatsanis and Kostas Tsolis was expanded by inviting Ilias Papailiakis, Dimitris Foutris, Kostas Bassanos and Eleni Panuklia. We all use line as an element in our works. But what is the line for each of us? How is it defined? How is it expressed? With what materials? In what conceptual references? How is it reflected in the final image of our work? With these questions in mind, and through meetings and dialogue on the internet, due to the circumstances brought about by a pandemic, we wanted to present at the Ileana Tounta Gallery a documentation of the different methodologies and distinct impressions of each of us, by grasping a shared thread. The thread of the line.
Nikos Papadimitriou, January 2022
Kostas Tsolis: ‘The sound of the line as it is engraved on the surface of marble; moment-time-memory, the memory of materiality.’
Κώστας Τσώλης, Θραύσμα, 2021, μάρμαρο, μολύβι, 10x13x03 εκ. /
Kostas Tsolis, Fragment, 2021, marble, pencil, 10x13x03 cm
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