A round-up of recent and upcoming digital activities at the BSA:
- Professors Yannis Hamilakis (Brown University) & Rafael Greenberg’s (Tel Aviv University) Virtual Upper House Seminar is now available on our Video Archive: ‘Modernity’s sacred ruins: colonialism, archaeology, and the national imagination in Greece and Israel‘.
- You can also watch our Research Webinar organised with the Greek Politics Specialist Group: Foteini Kalantzi (SEESOX / University of Oxford), ‘A ‘bare life’ in the borderlines of the Mediterranean’.
- Two panel discussions on the subject of ‘1821: The Migration of Revolutionary Ideas’ organised with Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College London and co-hosted with the Hellenic Society are now available on the Video Archive: Part 1 and Part 2 can be watched here.
- You can read our new Archive Story ‘Hasluck & Woodward in S. W. Anatolia‘, exploring the photos of Frederick Hasluck and Arthur Woodward in the BSA/SPHS Photographic Collection.
- Join us on Wednesday 24 March for our Virtual BSA North Seminar organised with the University of Sheffield: Charlotte Van Regenmortel (University of Liverpool), ‘Fighting for a Great Transformation? Paid Military Service and the Hellenistic Economies’ and Michael Loy (BSA), ‘Innovation and Tradition: Digital Resources of the British School at Athens’. Register here to participate on Zoom (note the event takes place at 4.15pm UK / 6.15pm Greece).
- Looking ahead, Professor Voula Tsouna (University of California-Santa Barbara) will explore issues of Epicurean philosophy of mind and science in two seminars organised with the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy, Academy of Athens. Register here to participate on Zoom on 31 March and here for the event on 1 April.
- A reminder that 25 March is the offical bicentenary of 1821 Greek Revolution and there are many upcoming events marking the occassion: https://21in21.co.
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